UX Research- Collej.com Self Learning Course Experience

Tanmayee Gangakhedkar
3 min readApr 20, 2024


To improve the current self-learning course experience on www.collej.com

Timeline: 2 Weeks
My Role: Lead UX Researcher


Design is a popular major choice for those interested in problem-solving and learning, offering great career opportunities. There’s significant ambiguity in the design learning market, making it challenging for people to find the right platform and develop the necessary skills for a successful career.
Collej™ offers free self-learning UX courses curated by industry experts to empower design enthusiasts. As the community expands, they aim to assess the course experience and strategize for further enhancement.

*This study was done as a Research Assignement for Research Module for the intensive course of www.collej.com*

Problem Statement: To understand how the self-learning course experience is performing for people and what would be an ideal strategy to improve it to the next level.


Evaluate the self learning course experience of www.collej.com

Project Goal: To improve the current self-learning course experience on collej.com

Research Goals: I identified 3 goals that could help identify how to improve the course experience.

Research Methodology:


Finding 1: Unclear about Course Offerings

Finding 2: Video Based Learning Preferred

Finding 3: Improper Categorization of Courses

Finding 4: Users Aren’t Able To Validate Their Learnings

Finding 4: Easy Backtracking (Usability Issue)

What can I do better:

  1. Framing research questions better so that they are not leading.
  2. Conducting usability study for atleast 5 people for each persona to find more commonalities

That’s all folks!

Would love to see your comments and inputs! You can view all my projects here: https://gktanmayee.framer.website/

